The Fall

8.1| 0h30m| TV-MA| en

When the Police Service of Northern Ireland are unable to close a case after 28 days, Detective Superintendent Stella Gibson of the Metropolitan Police Service is called in to review the case. Under her new leadership, the local detectives must track down and stop a serial killer who is terrorising the city of Belfast.


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Linbeymusol Wonderful character development!
Phonearl Good start, but then it gets ruined
Brendon Jones It’s fine. It's literally the definition of a fine movie. You’ve seen it before, you know every beat and outcome before the characters even do. Only question is how much escapism you’re looking for.
Portia Hilton Blistering performances.
elmsour-04487 As mentioned in many of the comments in this section The Fall is a detective series in all its glory: it has the tough detective with a stoic demeanor - played stoically and brilliantly by Gillian Anderson - and the disturbed psychopath that is both somewhat alluring and disgusting - played disgustingly and unsuspiciously by Jamie Dornan.The series acting is quite elegant and subtle, defining and mirroring its script and storytelling style: it is a story that takes its time and slowly develops its characters and its sublayers, brewing a plot that is very shocking while it dances with the possibilities of what is real.As mentioned previously, it does not have the super fast paced style of some of the American series that we commonly see, but in exploring the possibility of mental disturbance, the series shakes hands with pure evil in ways that explosions can not do.In spite of some of its gory content, it is the very nature of Paul Spector (Jamie Dornan) that makes you question men's behaviour before women in society in general: an everyday man with a normal job, wife and kids and the insane capability for cold calculated serial murdering for the sake of an exotic and mentally rewarding hedonistic view on life. Although very artistic in its action, the murders - as with the acting and everything else - don't have an overdone quality. The series relies on the extra ordinary, but it manages to keep its feet on the ground of what is possible, avoiding some of these "script turn-offs" and way too larger than life happenings. The killer is smart and cunning, but not devoid of mistakes.Although the series relies heavily on its script and on the traditional chase to catch a predator, its writing and character creation juxtaposes the relationship between men and women in society, and Detective Super Intendent Stella Gibson - Gillian Anderson - works as a bulkhead to illustrate the fragility and insecurities of men in general. Her relationship with co-workers, former lovers, current lovers, other women, the serial killer, children and with herself draw a very complete portrait of some of the many hindrances faced by women and how a series of crimes has a wave-like effect that tortures, kills and traumatizes those around it. For those more attentive, it is a detective story wolven into male/female relationships cloth, full of quoting and wit towards this rhetoric.The scene in which Anderson and Dornan face each other is one of the best edited, acted and written pieces of TV cinematography I have ever seen.Needless to say, not for the weak of mind, faint of heart, impatient and right in your face action seekers. For all the others, definitely worth the time.
sarahjeane This show was so good and sucked me in immediately! However after watching the last episode I am so mad I ever started watching it all.... it gave no answers, it gave no closer.... I get leaving the audience wanting more and wanting them to think about things but really it doesn't give you anyyyythinnnggg there are so so so many questions I still have ! ( spoiler alert) what happened to sally anne and the kids? was Stella In love with Paul? What happened to Katie? I need answers!
J-nijland Absolutely the best psycho thriller I've seen in years! Great acting, great cliff hangers, very good casting. Loved every minute of it.
terrystatz I watched the first 2 episodes. After the first one I liked it. There is some female nudity in the first episode, which I hoped was just there to capture male viewers' interest to continue the series. After watching the second episode, I decided to quit. A major problem is that Gillian Anderson's character is not likable. Neither is Jamie Dornan's character, and you need someone to like in every show. Peripheral characters are better, but none stood out. Also, a little female nudity doesn't bother me, but the scenes of the female victim's naked body for long periods in the 2nd episode, along with a sex scene showing partial female nudity (but no male nudity), was too much. Yes, you see a tiny bit of Jamie Dornan's backside in one episode, but this show definitely caters to men. And back to Gillian Anderson, as another reviewer wrote, she needs to extend her range. If they had cut back on the nudity, and had a good, likeable main character, I would have stuck with it. The plot was interesting, but not enough.