The Garfield Show


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EP2 Rodent Rebellion: Invasion of the Rats (2) Oct 24, 2016

EP3 Rodent Rebellion: Ratzo's Revenge (3) Oct 24, 2016

EP4 Rodent Rebellion: A Game of Cat and Rat (4) Oct 24, 2016

5.7| 0h30m| TV-G| en

Your favorite lazy, fat cat is at it again. Garfield, Odie, Jon and the rest of the gang are back for more funny misadventures. Whether he's scarfing down lasagna or tricking Nermal the kitten, Garfield is guaranteed to crack you up. But remember: He hates Mondays!


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StunnaKrypto Self-important, over-dramatic, uninspired.
Curapedi I cannot think of one single thing that I would change about this film. The acting is incomparable, the directing deft, and the writing poignantly brilliant.
Robert Joyner The plot isn't so bad, but the pace of storytelling is too slow which makes people bored. Certain moments are so obvious and unnecessary for the main plot. I would've fast-forwarded those moments if it was an online streaming. The ending looks like implying a sequel, not sure if this movie will get one
Edwin The storyline feels a little thin and moth-eaten in parts but this sequel is plenty of fun.
DCfan As I have mentioned in the 2D movie reviews I was a massive Garfield fan as a kid. I really loved this show when I was younger and it was one of the things whenever I had a bad day at school then I would turn on the TV and laugh at this show. Ignore the poorly bias bad reviews, I don't under why there are so many bad reviews and the majority of them are complaining because it is not like their precious Garfield and Friends. I am 18 and I have never seen that show because it had came out in the 1980's and I was born in 1999. So I guess it is too old for it.The Garfield Show is not meant to be a sequel or a prequel to Garfield and friends either. It's meant to be a reboot for the newer generation.
chaofreaks1 For any of you who imagine a Garfield TV show with CGI? Well, look no further, this is one of the best cartoon I've ever seen, well, Garfield, and Jon may have different voice actors (because the older ones died), but that still doesn't disappoint me.Everything I almost like are the animations, they're pretty good! The jokes, one example is Garfield breaking the fourth wall like his comics,that's very usual.One of my favorite moments was on Virtualodeon episode, when a stranger gave Jack his bean, and realized he's been had XD, and also the episode when Garfield tells the audience, "It's a cartoon, I'll have my fur back," but when it was the other time, like Garfield getting crushed, he said "Like I said, it's a cartoon, I'll be back to normal," when it went to the screaming part, Garfield was still flat and said "So much for cartoon physic."I highly recommend people from the old ages(I was born in 2001) from Garfield & Friends to take a look at this show, there might be moments they enjoy.
GolddarnBTaintnone My son uses our Netflix account to binge watch whatever cartoon series he finds. This week it is this piece of garbage excuse for a revamp. Take this sentence as a repeater symbol which essentially plays the same past reviewers' comments about the show in general.What I want to rant about for a minutes is the horrible theme song. Why is it so damned action packed? This is supposed to be about a lazy fat cat. I don't get the relevance of this two step country rockish crap. There is a mini-guitar solo about halfway through that is atrociously out of tune. Every time I hear it I curse Jim for pissing all over the memories I had of this comic strip (not show, PRINTED COMIC). Wasn't anyone there in the studio to flag that while editing? Didn't they notice it? You'd have to be a tone deaf codine addict to deem that as passable in a real television show. I wish Davis would have taken a cue from Bill Waterson and just stuck to the actual comic publications.
kiti22 This Show is a Disgrace to the Garfield Franchise the First Garfield The Original Garfield Cartoon that first aired in the 80s was such a Classicbut this one is Bad The Characters Look Terrible in CGI The Soundtrack is Terrible the Episodes are awful and the Animation was Horrible talk about the characters, Garfield was not funny in this CGI Cartoon hes rude, loud and very annoying but hes seriously not funny Nermal Ruined the series because hes one of the most annoying characters ever and this show has no plot at allthis is one of the worst cartoons that first aired in the Late 2000s so Stay away from that cartoonwant to watch a cartoon with your young siblings try avatar the last airbender or my little pony friendship is magic