The Leaving of Liverpool

8.2| 0h30m| NR| en

The Leaving of Liverpool is a 1992 television mini-series, an Australian–British co-production between the Australian Broadcasting Corporation and British Broadcasting Corporation. The series was about the Home Children, the migration scheme which saw over 100,000 British children sent to Commonwealth realms such as Australia, New Zealand, Canada and South Africa.


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Ehirerapp Waste of time
Contentar Best movie of this year hands down!
FrogGlace In other words,this film is a surreal ride.
Joanna Mccarty Amazing worth wacthing. So good. Biased but well made with many good points.
depth_charge If you are reading this, you have truly stumbled across something out standing! let's just forget about all the Hollywood films you may have seen and get back to reality for an hour and a half! The majority of the acting in this mini series is just incredible,and we are talking about children here! Usually British child actors are dismal,but in this instance it is not to be. I watched this film in the presence of a huge guy who's idea of fun is to have a battle in a bar after drinking and watching football,this film brought him to his knees. Christine Tremarco and the rest of the cast need a medal for this!This film is a one off,you will not see anything like this again if you live to be 200 years old. This is the story of young children who have been shipped off to Australia believing their parents no longer wanted them,which wasn't the case here. The children were lead to believe they were being taken in for postures greener,how wrong could they be?Be warned, this film is brutal and some may be sick to their stomach, but you have to watch it,it will give you an insight on life itself! Plus remember,this really happened it's not fiction,which with that in mind makes it more hard hitting!
Lisel_B I have seen this film twice, but both times are at least 6 years ago (I was 15 at the time). I remember the film as being very touching and one of the few films that have made me cry. Since I can't rent it here anywhere and it hasn't been on telly for a while, I wonder if I would still experience the film the same way. I think I would, because from just the fact that children were being shipped to the other end of world is shocking enough (and knowing such things have actually happened), the sexual abuse and punishments are not even necessary to make the film confronting.Since it had subtitles here in the Netherlands, I haven't had any problems with the heavy accent that other posters talked about. But now that I have lived in England myself, I would like to see it again and see if I could understand it. I'm afraid I'll have to wait till it's on television again.
Beanie_ceaockpunksta This film was truly amazing to watch and i would watch it again and again if i could. It is a story of true compassion and friendship and will always be remembered by me as a true great. It truly is wonderful the dialogue was brilliant the acting was brilliant. Marks out of ten i give this film a positive 10/10.
hooligan-4 Because I live in Australia and most of the speech in Leaving of Liverpool was spoken in a very heavy English accent, I couldn't tell what was being said some of the time. However, I have to say that the acting of the two main cast members, Kevin Jones and Christine Tremarco, was absolutely fantastic. Their raw, honest depictions of their characters (Bert and Lily) gave so much extra depth to the story and truly made the audience feel the terrible anguish of the experiences that the children went through.