The Legend of Zelda


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Redwarmin This movie is the proof that the world is becoming a sick and dumb place
KnotStronger This is a must-see and one of the best documentaries - and films - of this year.
Teddie Blake The movie turns out to be a little better than the average. Starting from a romantic formula often seen in the cinema, it ends in the most predictable (and somewhat bland) way.
Janae Milner Easily the biggest piece of Right wing non sense propaganda I ever saw.
donovanmcrale Why would you even like such a thing? I mean, seriously?
Rasheed Zelig Thomas It's not exactly the "best" cartoon series but it's not the worst either. It's has some ups and downs but I am fine with that because I did like the idea of the "Zelda world" being in a series and the characters interacting with one another. It's like my childhood dreams come true! It's stories do get repetitive. Princess in trouble, save princess and so on. Some episodes I will admit were decent like the Singing Unicorn. Some good action scenes too! All in all, it wasn't too bad but it's just needed something more creative.
KatherinePetersdorf I love Zelda the video games, I can't think of anything in the world video game wise that I love more. I was so juiced when I got this DVD because I though it was going to capture the bliss of the video and the beauty that is link and his quest. It didn't. I was so angry I sent it back three episode in. The first thing that upset was Link's voice, seriously he sounds like his nose is got a laundry clip on it. The second was his hair color, brown...brown! He is a blonde, a beautiful, perfect blonde!The 3rd and the most important to me I found about 30 seconds into the episode. He is a jerk. The Link I know gives up everything to save Hyrule without getting anything in return, he is a hero because he cares about the people and not because he gets something out of it. I just wanted to pop his head off. It may sound like I'm a crazy fan, but I'm just stating my opinions, I would suggest this series to anyone unless I wanted them to mock it with me or see the horror and feel my pain. It is worth a watch if you like TV shows and movies because everything is worth at least one watch, you don't know what you like unless you try it.
Cartoon King I'm a big fan of Nintendo's classic series of adventure video games "The Legend of Zedla". And when I heard that they did a cartoon series about it, I'll admit I was actually really wanting to see it. But when I finally looked it up on YouTube, I was greatly disappointed. This show was just cheesy, campy, annoying, badly scripted, dull and overall terrible. Here is a short list of things that are wrong with this show:1. Link - In the games Link was meant to be a heroic, brave, and strong hero who would do whatever it takes to protect Princess Zelda and The Kingdom of Hyrule. In this show he is a cocky, smart-Alec, stubborn jerk who only does these things so he can get Zelda to kiss him. Plus he has an annoying catchphrase of "Excuuuuse ME, Princess!" which he says constantly in almost every single episode. I have no problem with catchphrases, but Link takes his annoying catchphrase way too far.2. Bad plots - The episode plots are too dull and uninteresting. The games had great, well-thought-out, original, and epic story-lines, but in this show we get Link turning into a frog, The King of Hyrule building a water park, and Zelda falling for another guy. This show would have been much better if it had a story-arc, or a more serious and dark setting.3. Spryte - Spryte has gotta be one of the most annoying characters in cartoon history. She's obnoxious, has an irritating, squeaky, high-pitched voice, and fails to do a good job at what she is meant for: comic relief. Her jokes are cheesy and terribly unfunny.4. It's just plain dull - The worst thing about this show by far is how dull and effortless it is. You can tell the writers and directors didn't care if it was a good show or not. Because this show is repetitive, dull and boring. It's not interesting or exciting in any way, the action scenes are short, predictable and boring, the stories (as I already mentioned) are cliché, and not very Zelda-like, and the comedy portions of the show aren't funny in any way.This show was just awful. It was unfaithful to the games, it was predictable, dull, boring, uninteresting, annoying, and just stupid. "The Legend of Zelda" is one of the worst cartoons of all time, which is ironic as the Zelda games are some of the greatest video games of all time.Rating: 1/10 "Horrific"