The New Adventures of Superman


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7.1| 0h30m| NR| en

The New Adventures of Superman is a series of six-minute animated Superman adventures produced by Filmation that were broadcast on CBS between 1966 and 1970. The 68 segments appeared as part of three different programs during that time, packaged with similar shorts featuring The Adventures of Superboy and other DC Comics superheroes.


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Filmation Associates


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CheerupSilver Very Cool!!!
ChicRawIdol A brilliant film that helped define a genre
AshUnow This is a small, humorous movie in some ways, but it has a huge heart. What a nice experience.
Ogosmith Each character in this movie — down to the smallest one — is an individual rather than a type, prone to spontaneous changes of mood and sometimes amusing outbursts of pettiness or ill humor.
George Taylor While it was limited by the utterly cheap animation, an idea that hampered most made for tv cartoon starting in the 50's, the Cartoon itself was faithful to the source material, and using Bud Collyer as the voice of the main character, kept me interested and tuned in.
tgxtom76 I was about 4 years old when I first saw the New Adventures of Superman I loved it then and I miss it today. I Feel there was a lot to like about the cartoon: The music, The voices(The mild voice of Clark Kent and the Masculine strong voice of Superman -They don't do that anymore), the narration, and I love the mostly sci-fi plots and lastly I loved the animation. I also felt this superman was the most powerful superman, taking missile shots to chest without being phased by them at all, Busting thru stone walls, flying at the speed of light, Moving the earth,and the only thing that could stop him was kryptonite- He was indestructible. I also loved the other Filmation Superhero's like Green Lantern, The Flash, Hawkman, as well as Superboy and Aquaman. These were and still are my Favorite Superhero cartoons. I have not been impressed with any of the other Superman cartoons that came after the filmation version. The Superfriends version of superman in my opinion was a much wussier less powerful superman, He was a very wimpy superman in my opinion. The current version of Superman I don't care for in part because I don't like the look of the animation mostly ,and I really don't like anything else about it either. I would just like to see the Good old 1966 New Adventures of Superman cartoon Or the later Batman Superman Hour on DVD. I think that show was a classic. They can't seem to make good cartoons like that anymore. If it was in DVD I would buy in a Flash.
voicemaster71 The first time I ever saw these cartoons of both Superman and Superboy was when I was 11 years old.At the time, it was on the Bozo Show on WGN around 1983 I believe it was. Anyway, I liked the character designs. I felt the Superman characters fit the look designed by Curt Swan, the definitive Superman artist of the Silver Age. Well, I did my research and found out about when it originally aired and what format it was in. But for me, I remember the Bozo Show airing Batman on Mondays and Thursdays, Superman on Tuesdays and Fridays, and Superboy on Wednesdays. I never really cared for Bozo the Clown or the like. Heck the only reason I watched it was just to see these Filmation cartoon shorts of the World's Finest.Bud Collyer did a super job as his dual voices of Superman and Clark Kent, but unlike the 40's Fleisher cartoon classics, Collyer has more speaking lines as Superman since the Man of Steel was mostly silent in the 40's shows. And I was just given a surprise to learn that Joan Alexander wasn't the only voice over for Lois Lane. (Read the trivia above the comment line). In comparison, I liked the Superman shows over the Superboy shows, though Superboy can be fun. Animation wise, the shows suck by today's standards. But I loved the character designs and voice overs not to mention the awesome musical scores. These cartoons helped me pick up and read some Superman comics from the 50's and 60's and enabled me to hear the voices of Bud Collyer and Joan Alexander in my mind.If you love the Silver Age Superman, I highly recommend this series and I really wish WB would consider releasing these shows on DVD along with the other DC titles by Filmation. And yes, Superboy too.
lotsafun Listen to Stu from Australia! Stu is absolutely right! This was fun! I loved these cartoons! I loved the Superboy cartoons that were shown along with the New Adventures of Superman too. The Aquaman cartoons featured along with Superman also rocked! Aquaman was at his best and kicked serious butt in those cartoons. It was all extremely exciting stuff and a blast to watch when I was a kid. The voice artists were superb and there was great music too. The pacing of the adventures was fast and thrilling. There was never a dull moment. I'd love to see these again. I'd buy them immediately if they were on DVD. Put 'em out on DVD somebody!