The New Batman Adventures


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8.4| 0h30m| TV-PG| en

After a long hiatus -- The Caped Crusader is back and cooler then ever, in the animated action-packed series -- The New Batman-Superman Adventures. Picking up years after Batman: The Animated Series, the series highlights Batman and his crimefighting cadre of Nightwing, Robin and Batgirl, as they join forces to battle Gotham City's classic super-villains.


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Cubussoli Very very predictable, including the post credit scene !!!
ScoobyWell Great visuals, story delivers no surprises
Livestonth I am only giving this movie a 1 for the great cast, though I can't imagine what any of them were thinking. This movie was horrible
Ariella Broughton It is neither dumb nor smart enough to be fun, and spends way too much time with its boring human characters.
Johnny H. The New Batman Adventures is the sequel that The Animated Series deserved, and its style-differentiation is justified yet it still feels like the sibling to its predecessor.The New Batman Adventures has more stylized character designs than before, and while that may be off-putting to some, Batman has never looked sharper than he does here; at least I say that with a lot of love.Batman has always been empowered with rich stories and The New Batman Adventures continues that tradition beautifully. It is a sequel to Batman: The Animated Series, but it stands its own ground just fine.
Hector Mendoza Jacobo I liked it... just that... i liked it, not like the animated series... i love it!!!. The fact that this make less appealing is that we all try to compare and not to appreciate, but this cartoon was awesome, but it really didn't like it that much. There's too much people talking about Bruce being so cold, but if this is around 5 years later, anybody in a crime-fighting gang would get this angry and darker attitude, so to me it isn't a flaw. Batgirl was awesome she really fit there, as there isn't more Dick Grayson as a robin, batman needed a good teammate, not like the new robin, he is just a child and you cant rely that much on a child. But heres what didn't work: The new artwork... it isn't horrible but... to me it does'nt work in a series like batman. This is a dark character, with a maniac killer like the joker, so you cant put this kind of artwork in this cartoon, The joker isn't a bad design but i still like the past joker (but to me the BEST joker ever was the one who appeared in batman beyond:return of the joker) , so this joker isn't near as good. The good thing about the joker is that it still mark Hamil voice. My favorite character: Harley Quinn (im in love for her) They put an awesome episode for her: Mad love (to me the best episode of this series). Here we finally know how she turned Harley Quinn, and how the joker twisted her mind, and it feel that atmosphere that you feel in the animated series, darker, no happy ending, brutal fight with the joker (but too short), this is how it was to be ALL the series. BUT in general i didn't like how she made Harley in this series... in almost every episode they put funny but in a ridiculous way, she get punched, she say nonsenses, she make flaws... c'mon she is funny in a way you can laugh with her, not from her... and here they put ridiculous (like i said the only episode where i don't think that its in mad love and beware of the creeper) So in general its a good series, it has it upsides and downs, the drawn could be better ( MY GOOD!!! KILL THAT CATWOMAN!!!!) nice sound effects, nice music, nice voices and nice episodes: my favorites, Mad love, Jokers millions, Old Wounds, Sins of the father, and Cold comfort. If you enjoyed Batman:TAS you can watch this but don't spec too much, in the other hand if you didn't watched TAS, watch this first and then watch TAS in that way you're really gonna love TAS :D
voicemaster71 I have to admit, I did have to try to get used to the new look of all the characters, since I was used to how the Batman series was portrayed by Fox. But once I got used to it, I fell in love with this series. I actually felt some were given better looks than some others. In this particular series, it says that two years have passed since the Sub Zero video movie. I wasn't crazy about Batman's new (or should I say old)look. I never thought Batman would ever return to the original black bat emblem and a pouch shaped utility belt. I did however feel that Bruce Wayne looked much better, even though he is now portrayed as a man who never smiles and is nearly impossible to make laugh and he is revealed to be a perfect taskmaster. In addition, Kevin Conroy as of this series, used the same voice for both Bruce Wayne and Batman. I this series, Batgirl is now a regular team player and a member of Batman's crime fighting team. While I like the Tim Drake version of Robin in the comics, I didn't care for him in the beginning of these episodes, when Tim was probably 12 or 13, but I got used to him by series end due to his voice changing. I love Nightwing. Dick Grayson's reborn identity. I also like that he and Batman do not get along or at least, there is miscommunication between them.As for the villains. the only thing I did not care about was Joker having no red lips. The Penguin is now a legitimate business man, who operates a club called the Iceberg Lounge. Yet it seems that all the villains have changed radically. As for favorite episodes, mine were" Holiday Knights, Sins of the Father (murder of Tim's father and how Tim suits up as Robin for the first time). Cold Comfort (even though turning Mr. Freeze into an insect body that attatches to a mechanical suit is a bit much), it was still eerie to watch. Over the Edge (what if Batman and Commissioner came to blows), Any episodes with Nightwing (sadly, they only made four of them). Beware the Creeper and Mad Love were superb as well as Legends of the Dark Knight with different variations of Batman being told by several kids. Perhaps my all time favorite episode of this series, is Old Wounds. Where Nightwing tells the new Robin of his final outing as Robin and his falling out with Batman. That is one episode you need to watch. In it, we see Dick Grayson's last adventure as Robin before quitting. One more episode to remember was Girls Nite Out, a Batgirl/Supergirl team up. I only wish they could have made more than 24 of these episodes, though we did get one DVD movie animated in this style. I'm also glad this series is not only out on DVD, but it completed Batman: The Animated Series, over 100 episodes. Give this series a try.
DarthBill Picking up where "Batman: The Animated Series" left off, Dick Grayson is now Nightwing, Tim Drake is now Robin, Barbara Gordon is still Bat-Girl, and Bruce Wayne is still Batman, but now sports a costume similar to his 1940s counterpart rather than the more common one with the yellow circle against the bat insignia.Not a bad continuation, but not nearly as good as "Batman: The Animated Series". Stories a bit more rigid and not as engaging as before. Animation's not as life like either.It had its moments, though not many. The voice actors still held up their end of the bargain though. You gotta love what Kevin Conroy does with Batman.One of the more memorable episodes had a guest spot from Superman where the Man of Steel masqueraded as Batman while the real deal was missing in action, captured by Brainiac and used as a pawn in the mad robot's quest for world domination.