The Pioneer Woman


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6.2| 0h30m| TV-G| en

Ree Drummond, a city gal-turned-rancher's wife, creates down-home dishes on her picturesque Oklahoma ranch. Take one sassy former city girl, her hunky rancher husband and a band of adorable kids, an extended family, cowboys, 3000 wild mustangs, a herd of cattle, and one placid basset hound and you have The Pioneer Woman. The Pioneer Woman is an open invitation into Ree Drummond's life: The award-winning blogger and best-selling cookbook author comes to Food Network and shares her special brand of home cooking, from throw-together suppers to elegant celebrations. The series, set against the incredible story of life at home on the range, is the next best thing to actually sitting on a stool in Ree's kitchen.


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Inclubabu Plot so thin, it passes unnoticed.
Ploydsge just watch it!
Teddie Blake The movie turns out to be a little better than the average. Starting from a romantic formula often seen in the cinema, it ends in the most predictable (and somewhat bland) way.
Darin One of the film's great tricks is that, for a time, you think it will go down a rabbit hole of unrealistic glorification.
forthetollferry It is really unpleasant to watch. It comes across as superficial and unlikable. I cannot think of anything that makes me desirous of the storyline in this host's show. Just seems pretentious and fake.
drdeathforpresident please make this entertaining. I am sooooo SICK of hearing about her kids and her husband and how life is perfect. Make me some mac and cheese and get off the lithium, please. Why does EVERY episode have to be about her kids and seeing stupid pictures of her perfect kids and her perfect family. I get it, already. I feel like I'm watching Snow White drunk on wine and gushing over her seven dwarfs. Someone needs to make a parody of this show. On the plus side, she is a good cook. She makes a mean chicken pot pie. Slow down on the sugar, too. There must be a lot of diabetics out there on the farm. This is a cooking show, or is it?
Bali79 I hate to give this show such a low score, but the "Pioneer Woman" title is way off. Ree is personable and I enjoy watching her....however the food she cooks has way too much fat and sugar. In one episode, she was making food for her son and his friends who were making a place of their own. Her recipe for Brownies contained about two pounds of candy!....M&M's, peanut butter cups, etc. I see Diabetes in anyone's future if they fix this. There's way too much fat and carbohydrates in most of her dishes too. There isn't enough variety from the heavy-handed foods. She lives on a Ranch and feeds hard working men. Even so, they'll keel over with heart attacks if they keep eating this. I don't think ANY Pioneer Woman ever cooked this way....they couldn't afford it. How about a bit of change and make something healthy and not enough to feed a small army.
di t I have dipped in and out to read some of the Pioneer Woman's blog and found a couple of her recipes enticing and enjoyed the whimsical writing style dotted between her photo breakdowns. As a result, I was keen to see this low-key humour and some insights into southern-ish cooking reflected in her "cooking show". What a let down. Whatever sparkle exists in her writing is devoid, and her presenting style (I don't know if this is scripted: if it isn't, it's time to pay someone) is inane, patronisingly repetitive and utterly uninspiring to anyone interested in learning to cook or broadening their repertoire through the show. But presenting style isn't everything, and we all know cooking show formats are contrived. What saddens/irks me the most that the food network has given a show to someone who doesn't appear to appreciate food or show skill in preparing it. I like the occasional shortcut recipe (I'd never make my own puff pastry and prefer shop bought hummus to homemade) but this show seems to provide a cavalcade of the sort concoctions the toddler puts together when he is left home alone or students when they first leave home and have no idea what they are doing and ultimately end up eating baked beans out of a tin. Take for example the recently demonstrated dump cake (or excrement cake, if we are translating British idiom_. This cake mixed cherry pie filling (the one ingredient which Nigella, who is open to a shortcut or two, begs viewers not to stoop to) and tinned pineapple, covered in a cake mix and sliced butter. If she wants to follow this route and be "one of the people" Drummond's time might have been better spent demystifying cake mixes into flour and baking powder and showing viewers how easily they can make their own mixes. That might have been slightly resembling of a cooking related topic.Other recipes included opening "pork n bean" tins and baking them with bacon on top. This 2am drunkenly thrown together student food is about as revolting as I could imagine, even without thinking about the quality of the sausages. The throw into a bunch of butter, stir and occasionally bake method is pretty the much as taxing as it gets from cakes to casseroles. "Great!" I hear folks cry, "We don't have time for anything more difficult". Here's the thing. Eat the way this woman cooks, and you won't need time. You'll be being happily squashed into your own coffin, wondering why it didn't taste better on the way.Hey, even Ina has the occasional episode where she makes one dish and and shows us how to shop for three others, but they are an anomaly, and a useful tip in combining flavours. She experiments, she highlights freshness and flavour and buying the best your budget allows. Her recipes are both homely and sophisticated. She even likes butter. She does not however, drown every item on the plate in butter, because she knows it would detract from flavour by overkill. Here we have cheese, bacon, beans and butter on an turntable of anagrammatic recipes. Undoubtedly these are tasty ingredients in the hands of an experienced home cook or chef, but no cook worth their salt never ventures outside their comfort zone pyramid of four main recipes. Especially not those with shows on Food Network. I love cooking shows, and will pretty much sit through any cooking show, or have it on in the background as a source of inspiration and comfort, but for the first time on food network, I have to switch off when I see this starting. So there you go, toddlers and clueless teens, this one's for you. Foodies, walk on by.