The Powerpuff Girls


Seasons & Episodes

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EP10 Ragnarock and Roll Jun 16, 2018

EP11 Total Eclipse of the Kart Aug 12, 2018

EP14 In the Doghouse Aug 26, 2018

EP16 Small World: Abra-Disaster Part 1 Sep 02, 2018

3.7| 0h30m| TV-Y7| en

Three colorful, sugarcoated kids trying to juggle school and save the world before bedtime.


Producted By

Cartoon Network Studios


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Ploydsge just watch it!
Btexxamar I like Black Panther, but I didn't like this movie.
SteinMo What a freaking movie. So many twists and turns. Absolutely intense from start to finish.
Rio Hayward All of these films share one commonality, that being a kind of emotional center that humanizes a cast of monsters.
hot-72594 I personally find this show deserve a better appreciation from the audiences. 18 years, so much has changed and it is perfectly reasonable to use the slang, meme or anything that familiar to this generation, the characters are children after all. They still deliver beautiful messages, the voices are so cute and colorful animation. I rated 10 star to show my appreciation for a great work of the producers and give me something to remember to tune in Cartoon network. I like this show way better than many others available right now. Please keep this show running!
elesternewton I have never been more disappointed in my life after i was done watching this reboot i was so stunned and disappointed then with all of the negative reviews then i tried the show out for myself to see if it was bad but its was not it was god awful i mean really what was craig mccracken thinking i have never seen a show from my childhood be destroy in my eyes lets get into the episode in the episode painbow a panda hypnotizes bubbles and blossom panda and 2 girls started twerking what the heck really? lets get in the characters buttercup is just some disgusting weird and obnoxious character who sound likes a boy bubbles: is just some selfish sister and she is really a crybaby blossom is not the leader All she care about being smart and get all a's she don't care about leading the buttercup and bubbles And can you believe they made a crossover with teen titans go and its was very terrible. Also i almost forget to you tell how this show have memes like for example pac man and smile face i mean come its that the best you can come up with also where all the villains the villains are just rehashed from the original why have the original villains And last but not least the original voice actors are not here i mean sure they bring back some voices like tom kane tom kenny and roger l jackson the new voice are so annoying.
cuterstar 6/10 would be a fair callThese 1/10, 2/10 ratings are far too biased and rageful to be considered. First, let's get the bad out of the way.The new Powerpuff girls don't have that cutesy innocence they had in the original Powerpuff Girls. I'm not sure if this new series is a time skip ahead and the girls just don't really age (possible), but they seem more like they're pre-teens or maybe late Elementary school. They're more concerned with boys, smartphone games, looking good and being popular than their 1999 counterparts. On that fact, I think the new series lost one of the key elements that made the original good. There's no naivety, none of that wonder of learning the original had. It seems these new Powerpuff girls know it all.**Special note to the rage haters: Even though we, the ones who grew up with the original Powerpuff Girls, don't like it, the new Powerpuff Girls are an accurate reflection of kids today. Kids aren't as curious and naive, and it kind of makes sense for the new PGG to piggyback off of that.The reliance on meme humor and Internet jokes is, for me, a minus. Although to be fair, the Internet episode was very creative and handled well. The problem really comes down to the PPG's humor not feeling authentic. The original PPG had a humor and wit about it that was really authentically branded to JUST that show. This new PPG's universe is no different than any other Cartoon Network show. I really can't see much difference in the new PPG for instance and Adventure Time or Gravity Falls. The humor really blurs its authenticity into the background and keeps the new PPG from having its own unique style.Lastly, for the bad, the action sequences. I get a sense that the animators and storyboard artists aren't fans of action stories or sequences. The original PPG was, at its heart, an action series. Every punch and kick had force. Sometimes this new PPG succeeds at that, but many times it doesn't. There were quite a few episodes where the villain kind of melted into the background and what should have been a really badass action sequence, was just kind of blah.Now why am I still giving this a 6/10??I don't know if the reviewers giving it a 1/10 are just extremely rageful that it doesn't emulate the original enough or just too disappointed in the lack of a Bellum or original voices. In my opinion the voices are fine! Great, even. They fit the characters perfectly. Sure, it would've been nice to hear the original voice cast, but we can't blame the new cast for picking it up and actually getting the voices down correctly can we?The reason it gets a 6/10 is because there were some episodes that looked frame for frame like they could be taken out of an old season of the original PPG at its peak. Some examples of these episodes are "Power Up Puff" "Arachno Romance" and "Little Octi Lost." These episodes showed the potential of the new show and how it can emulate the original while still being fresh enough for a new audience. "Arachno Romance" with its omage to "Mommy Dearest" was such a good episode in fact, it's a shame that it wasn't thought of in the original.I'm also giving the show a pass because let's face it, the original audience of the PPG are all grown up. The new PPG, it can be said, isn't meant for us but for the new generation of kids who are slightly more phone-obsessed, image-conscious and (though we despise it) spouting Internet meme lines left and right. To them, this new PPG is relatable but to us, it looks almost foreign. A lot of us fans haven't recognized that fact and are tearing it apart because it doesn't mirror our nostalgia enough.Clearly the new PPG staff have realized that the audience is actually in large parts the OLD audience of the original PPG. We can expect in the next season they might cater to the old audience more and that there will be more action-packed, villain- focused episodes that recapture a lot of what makes the old PPG so dear to us. And --- here's the thing. They can do it!! They did it in a couple of episodes of this first season. So for that, I give them a 6/10 and would ask my fellow PPG fans to keep calm, quit raging and 1-star reviewing it (you know as well as I do, that rating is far from accurate) and wait for season 2 where, let's hope, the staff has taken some of our opinions to task and cleaned up this show a bit.
Rasheed Zelig Thomas I have been a massive fan of the Powerpuff Girls since I was around 6. Even today, I will watch Powerpuff Girls when I feel like being a child again! Hell, I even bought the DVDs! Being a 90's baby with this cartoon (of course other amazing cartoons) made my childhood fun!Now, I understand this is a new generation and kids today are different than the kids born in the 90's but........This is reboot is a failure! Why do you say? Here's why! It's simply inappropriate! The first episode I saw, Once Upon a Townsville, there was a scene where a grown woman was kissing Buttercup (the green one)!! IN GOD'S NAME WHAT THE HELL!!! Did Cartoon Network really think this was a good idea!? Kids are watching this! Another episode I saw where the girls are also twerking! THEY ARE LIKE 5 YEARS OLD! Kids today are already thinking about sex, don't make it any worst!!This reboot needs to be cancelled right away! At least Teen Titans Go didn't go this far!