The Real Housewives of Atlanta

4.7| 0h30m| TV-14| en

Bravo's cameras turn to the Southern states as the network presents this inside look at the Real Housewives of Atlanta. These women handle the personal dramas that affect their affluent lifestyles with a signature Southern brand of “style” and “grace.”



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Karry Best movie of this year hands down!
GarnettTeenage The film was still a fun one that will make you laugh and have you leaving the theater feeling like you just stole something valuable and got away with it.
Aedonerre I gave this film a 9 out of 10, because it was exactly what I expected it to be.
Sarita Rafferty There are moments that feel comical, some horrific, and some downright inspiring but the tonal shifts hardly matter as the end results come to a film that's perfect for this time.
keelhaul-80856 There are many smart, talented, and wonderful women, who are beautiful inside and out-- those women ARE NOT featured on these programs. My wife insists on playing these shows early in the morning on reruns and listening to bitches scream insults at each other for some reason. Why these shows are utter garbage:1)Marketed as "reality" shows. Really? Is it normal reality for a bunch of plastic old women with botox to sit around in a lavish set or house and cuss each other out about manufactured, scripted events that matter less than the pocket lint in your pockets??? Then they have some stupid reunion events where everyone "hates" each other but agrees to sit around and critique each other yet again, with some retarded gay dude in a suit who gets paid to produce and come up with this fecal matter. How this is a reality, I'm sure I don't know...2)There is nothing redeeming about these shows. It just showcases the extreme narcissism and vanity of blowhard airheads that already dominates our society in modern America.3)Why is everyone cussing and being bleeped out constantly. The stupid BLEEPS are so God-awful that it drives me nuts. You can't even understand what these morons are talking about, because they have so many loud bleeps and edits. It is like watching COPS or Jerry Springer, but with bimbos in fancy gowns and dresses, with botox and plastic surgery.4)The reunions with the gay fairy in the suits. Why do we need a reunion meeting for people that hate each other and already argued or cried like 500 times in the past? That is another setup for a fake WWE argument match for no reasons, just to do the same setup yet again.5)Why do intelligent women like this show? I understand guilty pleasures, or shows that exist as a low-brow relief, or a social commentary, but these shows seems to genuinely portray themselves as "reality", "entertainment", and "drama". There isn't even any real tension or drama here-- the only tension being in the women's faces to the point that they can't express emotion from all the crap injected into their heads. I feel that this show makes women dumber and more petty and materialistic, as you can't help but absorb, at some levels, the stupid behavior of these people on a daily basis. 6)What kind of "man" wants to be married to these shallow, fake women? They are nothing but gold-digging morons, many of whom look 65, trying to dress and augment themselves to look like teen hookers at a tanning salon. How does a woman like this add value to your life, raise good children, contribute to her community, or make you feel desirable as a man, when they are merely married to any buffoon in a necktie, as long as he has a mansion and some checks coming in for their latest surgery or sports car??? PATHETIC.7)If I want stupid humor or social commentary humor, I watch Sunny in Philly, or South Park. If I want drama, I watch a show like Walking Dead, Narcos, Black Sails, or Breaking Bad. This show doesn't qualify as anything other than fake idiots screaming at each other over superficial BS in a trash fest that literally looks the same on every episode, and has NO VALUE to society. I literally cringe and lose braincells upon hearing every portion of these shows. Hell, even watching the roadrunner drop anvils on the coyote, or 3 stooges throwing pies in peoples' faces is more entertaining than this, and more socially uplifting. I digress...
PartialMovieViewer Like so many before...and even after, this show is one of those scandalously fun romps, where one can witness emotions getting trampled into the mud and broken hearts being kicked around like a ball at soccer practice. This is my kind of program. Some of the targeted cruelty displayed on this program goes way beyond heinous, resembling closer to downright scurrilous activity. Oh let the fur fly - rrrrow. How much fun is that? Oh the pain and sorrow…the lies…the deceit…the vengeance. Let's not forget those shameful nocturnal interludes - naughty - naughty. Yikes, even my sunburn wants to blush - sheesh. If that is not enough…how can leave out the fights? Weekly freaky smack-down are too numerous to count – now that is what I am talking about. These are no mere squabbles or harmless spats…no way. The hissing and clawing and catcalls is so - well - catlike. This army of serpentine jezebels are spontaneously evil and enjoyable at the same time. Sit back, fold in your claws, and witness multiple demonic interludes unravel as venomous fangs flare at anyone who dares to enter. Enjoy
Syl I have to say that watching the Housewives of Atlanta can be both entertaining at times and quite sad too. For five very different housewives and I use that term loosely, the series opens up with newly divorced Sheree Whitfield. She is planning a lavish birthday party with bouncers, 100 invited guests, a cake shaped as a fancy purse, and a guest list that omits one of the wives, Nene, who is easily offended by this minor oversight. Instead of getting out of the wine cellar to correct the mistake, Sheree continues to party while Nene and Kim, another housewife, return home. I can see why Sheree is divorced to a former professional athlete from his point of view. Sheree is quite vain, conceited, and self-obsessed but so are the other wives. Kim is the blonde aspiring country singer who is only 29 years old divorced mother of two daughters. She is dating somebody known as Big Papa because he wants his privacy but I want to know if he has all this money then why does he waste it on her. Kim is equally spoiled by him. She only gets the top of the line bags. For her daughter Brielle's 11th birthday party, she hires a party planner for $5,000 who was an hour late. Brielle gets her own Luis Vitton handbag which costs about $1,610 from her mother. They go to a children's store for a fashion show. They go to a pastry place for a $2,000 cake which doesn't take so good and end up at a nearby hotel. There is Nene who is married to Greg and has two sons. At first, I didn't like her but she grew on me. I think because she's nothing like Sheree. Nene doesn't seem to need to spend so much money but I could be wrong. She embarrasses her older son, Brice, at a trip to Clark Atlanta University. Nene learns some difficult revelations about her own parentage. I think she becomes the most human of all the housewives. DeShawn is somewhat delusional. She has this huge estate and is married mother to another professional athlete. She formed a foundation to help self-esteem in young girls but DeShawn has illusions about her life. OUtside Atlanta, I don't know anything about sports. When she tries to hire an estate manager or personal assistant, the interviews are quite uncomfortable to watch. The real-estate broker is a young married mother of a 9 month infant. She won't do anything unless it makes money. She shows a spectacular home to music producer which it even includes a garage for your golf cart. The show is better than the New York series because of the Nene and Sheree friction. After seeing the series, you also get a feel for the high society of Atlanta.
ugahushpuppy Just when you think housewives cannot get any more shallow or silly, here comes a cast of drag queens and fame seeking country queens. All are "new" money of course. Which means that overspending will be visible throughout the season. And intentional camera hogging will be of the utmost importance. Who is going to be the villain this season? NeNe of course. Am I the only one who thinks this woman has a need for camera time. Are Kim and NeNe really friends? After all, Kim does call her a drag queen in the previews. But I have to be honest with you, I am loving me some Kim and NeNe. The Gay community is going to love you both. By the way Kim, please do something with that hair, those extensions look awful. Get Big Papa to buy you some! I am sure he will. If all of that is your real hair, then we got a problem.