The Rookies


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6.8| 0h30m| en

The Rookies is an American crime drama series that aired on ABC from 1972 until 1976. It follows the exploits of three rookie police officers working in an unidentified city for the fictitious Southern California Police Department.


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CheerupSilver Very Cool!!!
Steineded How sad is this?
Teddie Blake The movie turns out to be a little better than the average. Starting from a romantic formula often seen in the cinema, it ends in the most predictable (and somewhat bland) way.
Cassandra Story: It's very simple but honestly that is fine.
MartinHafer I used to watch "The Rookies" as a kid and out of nostalgia's sake, I decided to try watching the old episodes now that they are out on DVD...big mistake. I was appalled at how badly written the show was--but it's not the sort of thing an 8-11 year-old would notice (and that's how old I was when the show aired). I have now noticed several things about the show that all contribute to its sucking badly: the cops are really not cops but social workers, Kate Jackson is NOT one of these rookies but ends up in the show for no apparent reason (any time anyone goes to the hospital, Kate is THE nurse on duty who treats them), plot holes big enough to drive the USS Enterprise through and the ability to take a good plot idea and completely ruin it. Yup...this show sucks. If it hadn't eventually resulted in a good spin-off series ("S.W.A.T."), I would have nothing positive to say about the show other than it gave folks like Georg Stanford Brown and Gerald O'Laughlin work--and it did have a really cool 70s theme song.
nelson-cruz I'm so glad to say that this summer on August 7, 2012 Shout Factory is releasing The Rookies Season 2 on DVD. It's been a good number of years since Season 1 but the waiting is finally going to be over! Season 2 has some great episodes that I still remember. Such episodes are "Cauldron" which puts both officers Terry and Willie in the hands of a madman who leaves them both stranded in the desert without any hope of being rescued. There's also "Time Lock" about a bank robber who holds Terry Webster and 3 female bankers hostage inside the bank. There are other episodes that I can't think of right now but I know are some great ones. So, let's enjoy the second season and hope that the remaining seasons 3 and 4 can also be released! nelson cruz
UncrownedQueenoftheUniverse I remember this series with great fondness. I was seriously contemplating a career in law enforcement when I grew up, and this show had great appeal. Three brand-new, fresh-out-of-the-academy police officers were going to clean up the mean streets of Santa Clara, California! They were all "pretty people": Michael Ontkean, Georg Stanford Brown, Sam Melville and, not to be forgotten, Kate Jackson. The plots were frequently paper thin and the acting was always terribly earnest, but there was still a certain something that made it very watchable. Not the least of these intangibles was Gerald S. O'Loughlin as the supervising (and long-suffering) lieutenant. It does not stand the test of time - I mean, really, who believed that two rookies would be assigned to ride together and a third would be assigned to lone patrol with no senior officer in sight? And while replacing Michael Ontkean with Bruce Fairbairn didn't work for me, it still has the charm of nostalgia.
srichard-2 Just wanted to say that I've been watching reruns of The Rookies on TVLand and still say it's a great show. I'd rather watch ones like this than some of what they have on TV now. I'm happy that TVLand is airing these great 'classic' shows. Hopefully they will be on for quite some time.