It's complicated... I really like the directing, acting and writing but, there are issues with the way it's shot that I just can't deny. As much as I love the storytelling and the fantastic performance but, there are also certain scenes that didn't need to exist.
The movie's neither hopeful in contrived ways, nor hopeless in different contrived ways. Somehow it manages to be wonderful
Bessie Smyth
Great story, amazing characters, superb action, enthralling cinematography. Yes, this is something I am glad I spent money on.
This was a very dumb cartoon, being way too unfunny and childish to be remotely enjoyable. All the jokes from this series are terrible.If the creators of this series wanted to make a lighthearted portrayal of the Marvel super-heroes from a cartoonish perspective, why they just didn't make an animated adaptation of Chris Giarrusso's "Mini Marvels" ? That could have been something way funnier and much better than this painfully unfunny drivel. The only good things about this series were the animation (Which was gaily decent in my opinion) and the characters designs, which I personally liked. Other than that, this doesn't have any single redeeming value.1.5/10 (And that's being generous)
OK...If you are obsessed about comics and movies about Superheros as I am, then you should appreciate any and all attempts to reach all ages with their stories for ALL AGES. If The Super Hero Squad Show is not your speed, then why should you critic it? Unless you want to show them as they are in the comics or in the movies, which is redundant. Why show the same thing over and over? And this goes to you mostly dragoniawriter. If you don't like the show quit watching it, it's for kids, switch the channel or simply turn off the tube and go out and be a real superhero. All in all I'm just saying, Daddy's got his shows and the kids have theirs. Which I watch...personally, I'm a DC guy myself.
It's the strangest thing. Not that I have been reading Marvel comics since 1967, inspired by those classic crappy 1966 cartoons. And not the fact that I have grin up and now growing old with these fictitious people. But the fact that I find these cartoons very entertaining. Call me a silver-age stooge, but these upbeat capers are a lot better than the general "dark themed, gloom and doom" that seem to dominate most of the genre. It's like the Sponge Bob of heroes. I have lived with these characters most of my life and enjoy this silly Hulk much more than the Ang Lee version. I've seen character updates and revisions until the characters match their origins in name alone. That's it; more Stan Lee than Ang Lee, more Kirby and less Miller. I'm waiting for the DVD sets for my grandchildren.
All right, so some folks are defending this series as an introduction for young viewers on the Marvel Universe. But what happens when the kids get interested? They'll want more of course. And they'll go down to the comics shop and buy the real thing--and do a double take! Wha? Hulk isn't funny and stupid (Mean and stupid yes)! In fact nobody's dopey and there's no toilet jokes!They don't even look like the cartoons! A very quick case of Reality and culture shock and the realization as to why they aren't allowed to see all those Marvel movies.Would like to know who designed the characters as well. They all look like they have gland problems or are dwarfs or little kids playing grown-up.In fact they look as if they were designed by the ghost of Jack Kirby (and only the villainous head--Marak? I can't remember-- looks exactly like a Kirby illustration) and Phil Foglio on a bender.Face it, it's not for adults. It's for clueless kids to suck them into the Marvel world. They'll either accept the reality when they discover it or they won't.