The Swan


Seasons & Episodes

  • 2
  • 1

2.6| 0h30m| en

The Swan is a 2004 American reality television program broadcast on Fox in which women who were judged to be ugly were given "extreme makeovers" that included several forms of plastic surgery. The title of the series refers to the fairy tale The Ugly Duckling, in which a homely bird matures into a swan. Each contestant was assigned a panel of specialists – a coach, therapist, trainer, cosmetic surgeons, and a dentist – who together designed a program of total transformation. The contestants' work ethic, growth, and achievement was monitored over the course of three months. Each week, two women were featured, and at the episode's conclusion, one went home while another was selected to move to compete in the Swan pageant at the end of the season for a chance to be deemed The Swan. The first two seasons both aired in 2004. A third season was tipped to happen, but the show was cancelled in early 2005 after ratings continued to drop. The plastic surgeons on the team were chosen for their ability to perform often startling transformations. Drs. Terry Dubrow and Randal Haworth, both board certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery, were selected by the producers of the show to perform the multiple plastic surgical operations for each of the two aired seasons.


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Also starring Amanda Byram


SnoReptilePlenty Memorable, crazy movie
BelSports This is a coming of age storyline that you've seen in one form or another for decades. It takes a truly unique voice to make yet another one worth watching.
Sameer Callahan It really made me laugh, but for some moments I was tearing up because I could relate so much.
Sarita Rafferty There are moments that feel comical, some horrific, and some downright inspiring but the tonal shifts hardly matter as the end results come to a film that's perfect for this time.
breezee118 This was a terrible show. Women who cuts and replace their faces just to fit into a society that has 'standards' on what's beautiful and what's not. The worst part is, even after being made 'beautiful', these most of these women are then told that they still aren't beautiful enough. All "The Swan" really is, is a big beauty pageant, where they take these "ugly" women and make a big soap opera out of it and place it on television for all to see. This show is not making these women more beautiful. The only message it's sending out to other females is that if we don't look like a swan, then we should all get plastic surgery to fix every "flaw" on our face.
chaseja2003 I am a new member to this web-site, and I have to make a comment on The Swan. All right, This show reminds me that we are one step closer to the TOTAL destruction of the human race as we know it! Yes, these women all have a low self-esteem problem. So, yeah, why not have a so called expert tell them they need 5,000 things done to them to make them "Patchent Worthy". Who the HELL are they to judge? What ever happened to the saying, "It's what inside that counts!"? Anyone who doesn't find this show repulsive, or even finds it funny, should really re-examine themselves. Maybe the women on the show aren't the ones with the problems!
ionca OK, so you have to have a sick sense of, humor.....but the cheese factor is VERY VERY HIGH on this show. The women are pathetic (not really, but the producers make them look pathetic). They never are seen with makeup before the "REVEAL" and never seen without makeup after the "REVEAL." The show is done in PURE FOX style, with pseudo-suspense and dramatic music and "will she or won't she make it" commercial break cliffhangers. And to top it all of, you have the cheesily dramatic REVEAL, in which the women usually touch their face, cry, turn around and ask if this is real, and then cry, and then laugh hysterically. IT IS PRICELESS..........don't listen to these people commenting on this show. They are too uptight to breathe.
cdlemere I watched the first episode of this show to see if it made me feel as dirty as the commercials did and now I need a holy water cleansing. Unlike "extreme makeover" which changes people physically in positive ways (teeth correction, sun damage), this show preys on the truly weak individual who's self-esteem is so low that they need counseling more than a new nose. Then, to exploit them even further, the plastic surgeons treat them like conquests, and even degrade them for not meeting expectations. If they are still not pretty enough they get to go home with their painfully obvious plastic surgery. The blonde named Kelly looked so weird that I felt bad for her. Overall, I think this show is one of the most negative damn things I have ever seen and encourage viewers to watch UPN re-runs rather than this pathetic attempt at 'good' reality television.