The Taste

6.3| 0h30m| TV-14| en

In this exhilarating cooking competition series, The Taste puts 16 culinary competitors -- who range from home cooks and professional chefs to everything in between -- in the kitchen, where four of the world’s most notable masters of the food world judge their creations based on a blind taste. In this pressure-packed contest, a single spoonful can catapult a contender to the top or send them packing.


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Lucybespro It is a performances centric movie
Libramedi Intense, gripping, stylish and poignant
Smartorhypo Highly Overrated But Still Good
SparkMore n my opinion it was a great movie with some interesting elements, even though having some plot holes and the ending probably was just too messy and crammed together, but still fun to watch and not your casual movie that is similar to all other ones.
Mike Grebin (I have only seen season 2 & 3) This show is great for several reasons: First, the judges do not know who cooked the meal they are tasting so no favoritism. I was reading a review on here where an idiot was wondering how the judges are supposed to know who cooked the meal if the names of the contestants are not on the buttons...really?! That is what makes this show unique and food tastings impartial. Secondly, this show is as real as it gets. Well, at least compared to other shows. I cannot sit through another episode of Hells Kitchen, it is sooooo fake and scripted. The only drama here is, "damn Bourdain just politely refused a second bite of my meal on TV." No fluffy, fake, baby-mama drama here. No bleeping out foul words. Hate that garbage. This is reason alone to watch this show.Finally, the judges are solid and respected chefs. Oh besides Nigella. She is just a rich, spoiled brat with an opinion. I have no idea why her opinion even matters. People seem to dislike Ludo...I can understand why. However, the man is an excellent chef. Passionate and animated. He is not doing it for the "Wow" factor. That is just how success flows from him. Him and Bourdain are two chefs that started from the bottom and earned their success. They both command respect. I'm not going to expound on how great Bourdain is, it is a given. The guy gets famous chefs from around the world to guest-"star". These chefs are good at what they do, but the average viewer will not recognize them: they are not chefs that cook for Hollywood hotshots.Everything considered, this show is what a cooking contest should be. It is not perfect but it is infinitely better than junk like Hells Kitchen (no knock on Ramsay, he is just collecting fat checks.)
Just-Being-Me I sometimes watch The Taste when there is nothing else good on TV and i do think it is an alright show, i think there are worse, but it is FAR from the best also. I would prefer if there were new judges, i don't mind the one with the silver/grey hair but the other two i am not so keen on, i guess i could put up with Nigella even though i am not a fan of hers.I think sometimes, well most of the time though they do go very overboard when the cook does the slightest thing wrong, it's a cooking show, not a matter of life and death *rolls eyes*. I think Ludo (i think that's his name, never heard of him before this show) needs to have some respect for other people, he is rude and always shouts at the people cooking for doing what they feel is best and not listening to him all the time. I thought this was a cooking comp, i would have thought the cooks had to do what they thought is right to show off what they can do etc but no it seems to be more about the "professionals".Ludo is meant to be a "professional" yet even he gets it wrong... for example... a few eps back the cooks cooked something and she said "ok, i've done", Ludo told her to put icing sugar on, she said "but it will be too sweet", Ludo shouted at her and told her to put icing sugar on.... she then failed when the "higher professional" came to taste the food as he said it was too sweet. Ludo needs to go and be replaced with someone who has respect and knows what should be and what shouldn't.4 out of 10 from me, probably would be more if they got a better judge to join Nigella and that other guy.
mssdm43 Now that we have almost suffered through a second season of The Taste, I do hope they will find new judges for next year. I have had all of Ludo's arrogant attitude I can stand. In two seasons I have yet to understand a word he has said. He is a pompous, arrogant jerk. Nigella is a witch. She hovers over the contestant's shoulder and will not allow them to be the cook she expected they would be when she chose them. I would have walked out just like her last contestant did. The only one I think is worth keeping is Anthony. Another problem: They have never explained just how they can somehow push a button and a contestant's name pops up on the screen. If they don't know who made which dish, how can they select which one they are voting for? I have never felt a judge should be both mentor and judge. That is kind of like playing both sides of the fence. Like a conflict of interests. Just not believable.
mssmapp I like the idea of the show, however, the production was terrible. There was too much yelling/trash talk between the mentors. A good part of the show was taken up with that. There was very little talk about the food! I didn't know much about what the contestants were preparing a lot of the time or about the contestants themselves. Way too much non-food talk, overall. I didn't see much mentoring, either. The mentors did not seem to be teaching the contestants anything; either the mentors yelled at them to do something besides what the contestants wanted to do (which was undermining, most of the time) or went over to other kitchens to hassle people. I was disappointed that the final decision for the four finalists was not made based on "The Taste". The judges even stated they were not going to go with the "stars" given out and were going to choose how they wanted things to go. So much for blind tasting. Also, the scantily-clad servers were a distraction and a turn-off. Nigella's outfits were terrific...that was my favorite part of the show.