I stumbled across this page by accident and waited long enough to read the summary. I was hooked by the premise immediately and wanted to see it. I eventually did and now I have to say my mind. This series was fantastic, from the spot on casting of the actors (all children save Paul Gross who is always unseen) to the talent these kids showed given a script, the likes of which they've likely never seen before. The plots for each episode were all unique and each paid homage to a different aspect of the Mafia-type movies and shows that inspired it, (peanut trade instead of drug trade, rackets, enforcers, cross mob friendship) Some parts were hilarious and others truly brutal to see kids doing but as a veteran of the schoolyard from years not too too long ago I can say that this kind of stuff does happen, just not in the way shown. I would definitely recommend this to anyone interested in a new take on the mob or anyone looking for a show that combines the mockumentary and epic story formats.