Instant Favorite.
An absolute waste of money
Absolutely the worst movie.
Close shines in drama with strong language, adult themes.
American xenophobic propaganda dressed up as entertainment for those same ignorant Americans utterly disgusting, offensive, and repulsive to any non Americans and to anyone with an ounce of common sense.American TV can be wonderful and entertaining, we only have to look at CSI or '24' for that, ground breaking and extremely well acted at the same time, but this show is utter trash.This show only goes to show how gullible some Americans can be. I love Americans, and America, and this is not at attack, believe me. This is an attack on blatantly bad program making, using fear and ignorance.We all hate terrorists in all forms, no matter what their religion, race, colour or whatever. Terrorists need to caught and stopped, but this show promotes the idea that terrorists can be murdered, no matter what, just as long as the United States of America survives, to Hell with any laws or personal freedoms or even the Constitution itself.Ironically, in my opinion, the only people who should be afraid of Homeland Security Laws are Americans, not any terrorist. Americans, everyday honest working people, are slowly giving up what they pride most... Freedom! This TV show promotes this. This TV show is saying to the American people ... 'We will protect your Freedoms, even if we have to Kill you, Murder you, ignore your Human Rights, and Ignore Local, Federal, and International Laws - We Will Protect Your Freedom - Even if it Kills You!'This TV show should be stopped now. It's trash.
I admit I haven't managed to sit through the pilot in its entirety. But my taste and decency wouldn't allow me to make that mistake. Every cliché in the book is trotted out for this sorry excuse of a drama. Playing "call to prayer" sounding music whilst showing clips of suspected terrorists. Hardly anyone in this so-called "elite squad" is anything other than nice middle class and white. From what I saw, it even made Independence Day look like it possessed a modicum of savvy.My boyfriend at least seemed to enjoy watching it, so he could mock it in the extreme. What worries me more is that there are people out there, believing the extremely prejudiced ideas spouted by such ridiculous programming. Oh well, there's no accounting for taste. Or intelligence for that matter.
Wolfgang Schmitt
In Germany we have this saying that goes 'it's better to do a good copy then to make a bad invention'. I guess this about sums it up for "Threat Matrix", ABC's new '24' like drama, which borrows a lot of the Fox's hit, minus the real-time dramatic. And this is where the good part comes in: You can watch it WITH the occasional chance of missing an episode. As for acting and stories, the episodes I've seen so far are fast-paced, well- acted and well written for a TV show. Come to think that there is a real Threat Matrix report out there, which would give material for endless seasons, one wonders why ABC put this against NBC's MUST SEE TV THURSDAY. I mean, HELLO?!
This show is just what we needed. The cast is great although they are mostly unknowns and the action scenes are awesome. The stories told are about what we are facing in the world today. Enough of these reality shows, they are getting old. This show deserves a chance and I hope ABC will give it one. This is the last season of Friends which should help it out in the ratings next season should it be renewed and kept in that time slot.