Timothy Goes to School


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  • 1

6.6| 0h30m| TV-Y| en

A raccoon named Timothy starts kindergarten, and meets many new people and friends. He helps others with their challenges and they would help Timothy on something he is struggling on. It features his everyday adventures while teaching kids how to behave in school and having a positive attitude - feeling good in school and learning more about the world.


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Plantiana Yawn. Poorly Filmed Snooze Fest.
XoWizIama Excellent adaptation.
Solidrariol Am I Missing Something?
TrueHello Fun premise, good actors, bad writing. This film seemed to have potential at the beginning but it quickly devolves into a trite action film. Ultimately it's very boring.
dror-19417 I saw this series when I was a 5-8 year old, and it was so good in many ways. The plot in each episode is wonderful and sweeping the children, A very mature series in relation to a series designed for children aged 8 and under, the characters are simply wonderful one by one. In short, an excellent series for children, and adults can certainly enjoy it. My rating is 8.
zsofikam I have been watching Timothy Goes To School since its inception and loving every moment. The stories, while not some of the most imaginative, are very easy to connect with and are ever so slightly insightful, going at a steadier pace than other kid's shows. Love the characters too, the Franks, Nora, Lily, and Fritz steal every scene they're in. Yoko, Charles, Doris, Claude, and Grace manage to crack some nice one-liners, and Timothy lights up the screen. Kindergarten- aged characters can be annoying, but here they're innocently endearing and the adults are appropriately compassionate. Overall, Timothy Goes To School is a very enjoyable well- done little show. I also recommend another Rosemary Wells adaptation Max And Ruby (the reason you never see the parents is because it's meant to focus on the brother and sister, so stop trying to look so deeply into it), and other Bookworm Bunch shows like Marvin The Tap- Dancing Horse, Seven Little Monsters, and George Shrinks.
josiemortean-1 Timothy Goes to School is a brilliant programme on Tiny Pop for a slightly younger audience, it tells the story a young boy, Timothy going to Kindergarden school where he makes lots of friends and gets taught by Mrs Jenkins. I have seen nearly all of the episodes my favourite one has got to be first episode when Timothy gets invited to Kindergarden School and makes lots of friends, but Claude complains about what he wears and Timothy gets upset and keep changing his clothes... I think that episode encouraged people to just be themselves no matter what others think. Also my other personal favourite is the one where Charles (the rabbit)is quite small and he suddenly figures out that he is growing and Mrs Jenkins decides to the whole class to trace themselves and cut them out and design them. But Claude complaints about Charle's design saying hes too small. Charles felt quite bad but Doris encouraged him that if you're big or small it dosen't matter, so thats my personal favourite too. I think the animation used for this programme are really colourful and out of this world and I like the way every episode of this programme is thought out, the plot was dosen't have any complicated things in it and the characters all have brilliant attitude and they never change. Also, this programme sort of encouraged young children to go to school and it says school can be really fun. My rating has got to be 10/10! The best programme on Tiny Pop !
Soprahno This is a very good show teaching younger kids not much educational stuff, but stuff like how to be a good friend and all that. The students at Hilltop School are of all kinds. Such as Charles, a shy little bunny. There's also Doris, a large and loud beaver. I would definitely say this show is safe and clean for your child to watch. No bad words! My suggested age range for this show would be Preschool kids to kids in grade two or one or lower. Your children will laugh out loud when they meet exciting characters like Lilly, Charles, Doris, Timothy, Yoko and the rest of the students at Hilltop school! Careful though, some of them are bullies, like Claud and Grace!