Toddlers & Tiaras: Where Are They Now


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1.7| 0h30m| TV-14| en

Toddlers & Tiaras is an American reality television series on TLC. The series debuted on January 27, 2009. The pilot for the series aired on September 7, 2008. The series follows the families of contestants in child beauty pageants. Toddlers & Tiaras is now broadcast on TLC in the United Kingdom.



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SnoReptilePlenty Memorable, crazy movie
ChicRawIdol A brilliant film that helped define a genre
Dirtylogy It's funny, it's tense, it features two great performances from two actors and the director expertly creates a web of odd tension where you actually don't know what is happening for the majority of the run time.
Marva It is an exhilarating, distressing, funny and profound film, with one of the more memorable film scores in years,
pinkarray This is one of the worst shows ever to hit T.V. besides Little Miss Perfect. I could not tolerate even after 2 minutes of this garbage. This show is about moms teaching their kids how to dress up like a prostitute for pageants that are below the age of about 8! This show is supposed to be about toddlers, why do they got seven year olds in there? This title doesn't even make sense! The kids are ugly, the moms are pressuring their kids to do challenging exercises, why can't they just treat their kid as if they were a kid? I can't believe what America has come to! Seriously, this series has got to be fake!
Matthew Montane It's times like this, when I wonder, what is wrong with our world. What has happened to our society, and WHY WE ARE WE WATCHING THINGS LIKE THIS? Why do we have garbage programming for the lowest denominator like this, making little girls look like plastic dolls, with fake everything. Want to know why our economy is going? Possibly because of this, and other shows that mindless "humans" watch. These poor kids need to spend their time being kids, not being test subjects for pageant moms. What they need to do at "The Learning Channel" TLC, cancel this and Here Comes Honey Boo Boo. I mean, I've seen rocks and bricks with more entertainment value than this. I wish I could rate 0 out of 10.
anthony-rigoni I have seen bad TV Shows in all my life. The Problem Solverz, Annoying Orange, Fan Boy and Chum Chum and Fred: The Show are no exceptions. However, there is a show that defines the true meaning of the words "Heartless", "Loathsome", and "Disturbing": Toddlers and Tiaras.First of all, the mothers. Jiminy crickets, I hate these stupid, fat, and butt ugly witches with a passion of a million suns! All they talk about is how beautiful their daughters are going to be at the talent pageants while their daughters are the ones who pay for their selfishness by putting 40 different kinds of make up, dressing up like prostitutes, and even getting their f------ eyebrows waxed! I'm not kidding you, these girls are getting their eyebrows waxed! Second, the children. Seriously, these little brats are as bad as their parents. They're rude, brain dead, and they don't even know the difference between Albino and white. HELLO, PEOPLE! ALBINO AND WHITE ARE THE SAME FREAKING COLOR!! Third, this is the TV show only pedophiles who crave for children like! If you like Toddlers and Tiaras, well, congratulations, YOU'RE A PEDOPHILE!!! I'm surprised nobody went out on the streets to protest this show. I'm also surprised by the fact that considering this show a great TV Series or a guilty pleasure is not considered a crime against humanity. If I ever meet any one of these sick people, I'd call the cops! Bottom Line: Nobody is likable and, like I said before, this is the kind of TV show only Pedophiles and Child Abusers will find good or hardly wait for yet another episode. Now, if you excuse, I gotta go create a petition to get this show canceled.
lambiepie-2 The temptation to rate this a zero only comes from after looking at this program, I'd want to rate it the most horrible reality program on the air. What are these parents, specifically mothers, doing parading their children around like this? But in taking a step back, I rated it an 8 because what TLC (The Learning Channel) has done was take the audience into the world of toddlers competing for crowns and money and those that are taking them to the pageants to do so. I am making the judgment, not TLC. And because of this, the show deserves an 8 for it is showing something I never knew existed, how these children are exposed, how they get prepared, how the parents (mothers and fathers) act and react in toddler pageantry.As you watch the program, you will constantly hear: "my child wants to do it, that's why we are here." This began to wear thin as the program progresses week after week as I heard and watched the parents relay their stories. For example, one of the programs I watched just happened to have a contestant's father voicing how he didn't appreciate the mother taking his daughter to the shows. I thought TLC did a good job by giving this point of view a bit of camera time because most people feel that way. I know I did. But here's where TLC makes you think which is what many reality shows lack. Here's a father who hated 'being' at the pageants; and called a lot of the mothers there 'overweight, fat, obese women making the child chase their own failed dreams'. Wow.On the other hand, you as the viewer would start to question this father's motives. What kind of man was he not to have control over his household if he felt that way? Take your daughter out, you might think. I would have. Well, my father's word was law in my household, so HE would have. But his daughter continued to be a contestant because the mother took her, trained her, pushed her. And the mother, albeit thin in body shape -- was doing the same thing he accused the 'overweight', 'obese' mothers of doing. TLC begs you to question, So what's the difference here? What makes his thin wife better than the overweight ones at these pageants? Were we to give her a pass because she was 'thin'? And if you do, why would you treat her any differently than the others just because of her...looks? This is where TLC shines in presenting this piece of reality programming. They made a point: it's not about how one looks, it can be about how they are in the head. Many of these women have it in their heads to put their sons and daughters on this circuit and no one will convince them otherwise. Obese in weight has nothing on being obese in the head. TLC is gives you the opportunity to look beyond the thinness, the fake hair, the fake lashes, pretty dresses and make up. What do you have here? And is this what makes a child, a mother, a father!? Another example TLC shows is the economics factor. In one program mother outlined how much it took to get their daughter into one show. It was well over $2,500, and $130 to enter the pageant and the prize if she had won, was only $500. The viewer would have to think, then what is the monetary payoff of these pageants? Is the money a factor? Sometimes the parent makes you want to believe so, but as you watch the program it becomes clear that it is not. There is no profit to be made here.Overall, the program takes you into the homes and minds of the parents who place these toddlers on these beauty pageant circuit. The mother is always very proud of the myriad of crowns and sashes their child has won, and maybe that's what all of this is about. Bragging rights to tell your family and friends that you have the cutest child ever - and here's the proof.And there hasn't been one program where you wont hear something to the effect of "It helps their self-esteem". The child's, or theirs? And at that age, do they know what 'self-esteem' is, and if not, are the parents shaping the term 'self-esteem' to mean this?!?! That is what TLC wants you to decide by showing you this. Is it a mother chasing after a dream, is the child truly having a good time, or is the pageant circuit a nice thing for a child once and a while and not a toddlers forced upon career choice? You the viewer make the choice as you view these weekly stories.What I suspect that TLC may do is begin another reality show of past toddlers who have done this and are now adults. If they made it into adulthood or not. How are they coping? Are they obese or have eating disorders? How do they feel about what they did as toddlers? Did any of them go on to become Miss America? Miss Universe? Mr. Olympia? CEO of a Fortune 100? Or sadly, worse. Are they pushing their own children now to get beyond where they got? Did this help, hurt or was a fun past time in their lives. That's what you wonder as you watch this program, and I do hope TLC takes it one more step beyond.