Purely Joyful Movie!
Good concept, poorly executed.
Best movie of this year hands down!
It's a mild crowd pleaser for people who are exhausted by blockbusters.
The scenario is very poor, in many cases it is not logical. Modern action movie (already classic) American: excellent effects, poor scenario, no logical thread. I suspect positive reviews - from the producer. The first part of this was much better done. But this is very badly done. Hardly I can find 5 rows to describe this time loss called short film.
Aside from the graphic violence, this movie was pretty good.It was almost a 'Resident Evil 2' like scenario, where a co-op special forces team sweeps through a city, shooting masked bandits on site. At one point a heavy plume of smoke rises up in the distant city sky line; it draws you in to want to go further into the city with the team. I'd have been satisfied just sitting back and watching hours and hours of this kind of footage, but it abruptly ends on a rather good note, though it may leave you hangin' I suppose this is done to entice viewers to check out the game. But $69.95 or whatever video games cost these days, it wouldn't be worth it for the price for someone like me who'd rather watch instead of play.Good movie. Now we need a mini-series. UBSoft missed their calling, they need to start making a Tom Clancy Division television series. I forgot to mention the realistic feeling the movies gives off. The gruesome imagery battle in a modern day civilian urban setting, really entangles the mind for the moment. One could see the horror of war in a reality they could fathom. That and the fact that you really want to see these guys wipe out the criminals and watch the swift hand of justice in action.Note for PTSD victims, DO NOT WATCH.The acting was on par, stunts terrific, story line amazing. I really wish this was the 1st in a line of shows. *Tosses penny in fountain, makes a wish. We'll see...That's it, I'm going to go buy a Playstation. Can't wait for show. Got to get to the bottom of this plume of smoke deal!
Tom Clancy's titles have found success on both cinema and video game, so there's bound to be tie-in project along the road. However, Agent Origins is more of teaser for a video game rather than a full movie experience, that's not to say it's low in quality. For the short thirty minutes there are multiple facets of action one would expect from famous name, although there's little depth and intricacy here.This is a simple rendezvous gig for several agents as they gather for one mission. Unfortunately, the backstory of the world, and its viral outbreak theme are not fully fleshed out, its short runtime is mostly used for nifty parkour or shootout. There's no vengeance, patriotism or even greed for motivation, these people just simply meet up and shoot people. It would have been better if the creator had prolonged the action movie to present more than cool military combat sequences, but it is still a visually pleasing work.There are lots of melee and gunslinging action packed into the short movie, certainly poised with brutal choreography and fast pace. It shows some clever tricks fans of action, especially gamers would appreciated. For most parts it's a solid presentation throughout, with the exception of one or two hiccup in screenplay. The effect for gunshot or explosion can be slightly jarring, but it does convey the right color tone for its premise.It's quite a missed opportunity to not produce actual back story, in a work called "Agent Origins", but the flashy and stylish shootout is a crowd pleaser, which understandably its original objective; a long snazzy trailer.
They had the opportunity to give depth to characters that probably do nothing else than shoot people in the game. They did not. The premise is ridiculous as well: a sleeper agency that can be activated only in case of "real" emergencies, meanwhile they live like ordinary citizens. Where is all the training coming from, then?The feel of the short is interesting, with people trying to fend for themselves, while infected people, escaped convicts and eradication squads are roaming the city. The ultimate purpose of the squad is not clear, though. They just meet somewhere and kill the convicts in a rather unconvincing firefight. What is their ultimate goal? How did they become agents in the first place? For a story title Origins, you get nothing more than a text scroll explaining the thing.Bottom line: all you have to do is look up game play videos from shooter games and choose the ones that are the most liked by people and put them together in a coherent story. They did none of this. The actors are mediocre, the visuals are almost bad and the budget ridiculously low.