Top Cat


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EP6 The Missing Heir Nov 01, 1961

7.1| 0h30m| TV-G| en

Top Cat, known as T.C. to his alley cat friends, is a mischievous prankster who lives in a trash can in the alley ways of New York City. He and his alley-cat cohorts think of get rich schemes and assorted pranks which are mostly involving and aimed at Officer Dibble, their nemesis and friend. T.C. manages to get out of his tight situations with hilarity and charm and even helps Dibble on occasion who is underscored by his overbearing sergeant...


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Also starring Maurice Gosfield

Also starring Leo De Lyon


Tayyab Torres Strong acting helps the film overcome an uncertain premise and create characters that hold our attention absolutely.
Taha Avalos The best films of this genre always show a path and provide a takeaway for being a better person.
Celia A great movie, one of the best of this year. There was a bit of confusion at one point in the plot, but nothing serious.
Kayden This is a dark and sometimes deeply uncomfortable drama
FilmBuff1994 Top Cat is a brilliant television series with very well written episodes and a fantastic voice cast. It's an absolute classic, the humour still holds up today and there's enough in it for both kids and adults to enjoy, it's a typical Hanna Barbera series, with the same sort of comedic tone that features in the Flintstones, and I would say it's one of their finest, the characters are still remembered and very loved to this day, which shows the timelessness of it. It's certainly not perfect, there a several weak episodes where the storyline just feels like they couldn't think of anything else to do, and for children it could get a bit tiring, it's certainly not as wacky as Scooby Doo or as zany as Tom and Jerry, a lot of the show takes place in the same locations and it's very dialogue based, but once the lines are well written it isn't a huge issue. For only thirty episodes and a very small cast Top Cat still remains a well remembered series, whether it be the lead characters patronising attitude towards his best friends, Officer Dibble, the gang trying to mind a baby, or the Untouchables parody, there isn't a single episode that dosen't have at least one classic moment. Funny when your a child, even funnier when you're an adult, Top Cat is a hugely entertaining show that I would recommend to anyone looking for a good animated series. Top Cat and his friends have outrageous adventures, ducking and diving their way through the city streets, while trying to stay out of the way of the long suffering Officer Dibble.Best Episode: The Unscratchables Worst Episode: The Case of the Absent Anteater
eag11 My 8 year old asked what cartoons I used to watch. I'm 56 so I mentioned Top Cat.I explained to him it was a show about cats that acted out people roles.There was no violence or evil villains, just a bunch of guys trying to beat the system.The old get by while the other guys do all the work.They always had a get rich quick gimmick going that was going to put them on easy street and every time they made it on to easy street they missed the good old days and officer Dibble.It was similar to Bilko, McHales navy and other popular sitcoms of that era.I was amazed my 8 year old hadn't seen an episode. We have DISH TV so I did a search and it did not come up. I thought Boomerang or Cartoon network would have had it on. My 17 year old son came home and caught me looking up Top Cat. He remembered the show. He told his brother it was a great show where a cat had a bunch of trash can buddies that hung out in an alley. How the cartoon network can not have this show on the air is a crime against children everywhere.
JAMES BROOKS I must admit that I was never a big fan of this show, but after learning that at long last, Warner Home video had issued the COMPLETE SERIES on DVD recently, I just had to take a look; especially since this may be the ONLY chance to view it unless my cable system decides to offer the Cartoon Network's BOOMERANG channel sometime soon.Despite the fact that the original run of this series was only from 1961-62, "TOP CAT" still has a cult following, as well as a high place on the top 100 Cartoons of All-Time.From my point of view, the only apparent fault I could find was that some of the episodes could have much shorter; though I am sure the purists out there would disagree.The four DVD set contains all 30 original episodes, and includes the pilot about the gang's trip to Hawaii, as well as some priceless background information for the serious fanatic out there.Like other animated prime-time series ("The Flintstones", "The Jetsons", "Rocky & Bullwinkle"), this played to an adult audience as well as the kids; which explains the wide appeal of this program, and its continued durability after 40+ years.AMAZING !!! As for quality, all of the episodes have been digitized and restored to their uncut brilliance, complete with the original laugh tracks, that is if you like that kind of thing.As a result, the show seems not to have aged at all, and consiering that the scripts were first-rate to begin with, it really hasn't.It is hopefully apparent that along with our other favorites from this Golden Age of 'TV-toons', Warner will make sure that this trend continues; and considering that Hanna-Barbera virtually owned Staurday morning as well as prime time, we should be looking forward to other collections very soon; allowing us baby-boomers to relive our childhoods once more, and share with future generations who otherwise have been deprived of genuine quality entertainment.After all, if people are willing to pay top dollar for these 'blasts from the past', there isn't much out there anymore to watch.
Big Movie Fan We all love Top Cat. If you didn't like Top Cat then you must be either a zombie or a robot.In the show, Top Cat lived in a dustbin and along with his friends caused trouble for Police Officer Dibble. One thing T.C. did frequently was using the police telephone for his own calls. T.C. generally was always looking for ways to make money and mischief, the two things generally going hand in hand.Top Cat kind of reminds me of my childhood many many years ago. I was a good child and I tended to hang around on the streets kicking balls around and trying to figure out games we could play with a stick and a tin can. There were also the constant trips to the shop to waste pocket money on cans of pop and sweets. I was never a naughty child but there always seemed to be miserable adults (of which I am now one) around trying to spoil the fun. I didn't have my own Officer Dibbles but I do remember one elderly guy who seemed to hate kids having any kind of fun.That must be why I liked watching Top Cat as a child-because really I was looking at me and my friends in the mirror. But isn't hanging round on street corners with your friends something that kids having been doing since time began?All in all, Top Cat was my hero and I urge you to check him out if he comes on your screen.