Best movie of this year hands down!
An absolute waste of money
Let me be very fair here, this is not the best movie in my opinion. But, this movie is fun, it has purpose and is very enjoyable to watch.
The movie really just wants to entertain people.
Look Im Saying This Show Is Still Great. But There's a couple Problems With The show. The Animation Was good so far Until Season 6 went down. What Was On my Nerves On all of the Seasons is The Language, Kissing and other Stuff, It Gets on my nerves!. Also They Really need to Bring back the Old Players Back In the show! Like Season 3, Season 4, and Season 6! So I got Pretty worried of the other Characters if they were coming back! Did they die? Did they Drowned, Did they Burn in the sun? I don't know! I really Don't know! So Please Bring Back Some Of the Characters From Your Last seasons! So I hope it still keeps going!! :D :D :D
It is a very good show. First season begins like any reality show, but it's really great the way characters are develop.In season 2 is missing a main villain, so it's just regular.But Season 3 called "Total Drama World Tour" is really the best season yet. His plots are well presented and characters develop in a way that seems made for adults. And each episode has a song that fits the storyline of the day and does not seem out of place.Season 4 is not very good, but season 5 so far has been excellent.Alejandro, Heather, Duncan and Courtney are very well created; there are some others like Noah and Eva that have potential and just need more screen time. And some others like Linsey and Sierra that are hilarious.It's time worthy.
Jon Williams
The idea of skewering reality shows has already been done (and to much better effect) just check out Life's A Zoo or some episodes of Robot Chicken (they have done a much better job on Life's A Zoo of "taking the wind out of the sails" of "reality" TV shows).The things that I hate about this show are the animation and the writing, none of the "jokes" are that funny all of the characters are just stereotypes the animation is poorly drawn and the color palate they chose to use with all of it's bright pastel colors and shading hurts the eyes after awhile. This show must have been conceived by Teletoon (the Canadian version of Cartoon Network)to fill the mandatory Cancon requirements that state a certain portion of what they broadcast has to be Canadian produced, everything about this show and it's sister show total drama action just scream at the viewer "This was done on the cheap and nasty and we don't care".
So, the minute I heard about this show from my 8 year old bro and 13 year old cousin(I being the same age)and it being on CN, I jumped at it with all of the possible insults I could think of!My bro watched CN on a daily basis and with me, my sister, him, and my two cousin all in one house, I had watched my fair share of it. So, on a summer night, after having to rush home from the pool to watch this show, all I wanted to do was watch some Gossip Girl but as I said 5 kids and 3 TVs don't equal out. There I was, it was reading or this. The minute it started I pretend to be uninterested but after that 30 minute I was hooked. The plot was lame, the characters were stereo-types, there was barely any funny humor but it was not that bad! So if you had the choice of this or nothing, take this. It is not as painful as it sounds!