Upright Citizens Brigade

8| 0h30m| TV-14| en

The Upright Citizens Brigade is an improvisational comedy and sketch comedy group that emerged from Chicago's ImprovOlympic in 1990. The most recent incarnation consists of Matt Besser, Amy Poehler, Ian Roberts, and Matt Walsh. The original incarnation of the group consisted of Besser, Ali Farahnakian, Drew Franklin, Adam McKay, Roberts, Rick Roman, and Horatio Sanz. Other early members included Neil Flynn, Armando Diaz, and Rich Fulcher.


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Kattiera Nana I think this is a new genre that they're all sort of working their way through it and haven't got all the kinks worked out yet but it's a genre that works for me.
EssenceStory Well Deserved Praise
2freensel I saw this movie before reading any reviews, and I thought it was very funny. I was very surprised to see the overwhelmingly negative reviews this film received from critics.
Lela The tone of this movie is interesting -- the stakes are both dramatic and high, but it's balanced with a lot of fun, tongue and cheek dialogue.
TattedA The Funniest, smartest, and most original show ever on television. It's a crime that they took this show of the air, but Comedy Central has no problem showing you 12 reruns of SNL in a day. If you haven't seen the show, do yourself a favor and pick up season 1 on DVD. You will never laugh harder in your life.I really hope they follow up with seasons two and three. The show only got funnier over time. One of the best ones is the cyborg episode from season one. The show trumps every other show that is or was on Comedy Central. Saying no to this show is saying no to America, and babies. But mostly America.
Jared Mason (beaner293) The basis for this show is a comedy troup originally from Chicago, Illinois. They have "Totally f*cked up sketch comedy." And it's that. Sketch comedy for those who are not exactly of the "normal mind set." I thouroughly enjoy this television program as do many people I know. The skit that the posted review mentions, "Shut Up," was part of the episode of the chilren's revolution. The whole show is connected by the UCB tryng to create chaos through kids. It shows kids on a bus who get hassled by the driver, and a puppet show put on my very obvious teamsters. It's hilarious. Not only is the script very well written, the actions in the show are also priceless.
nunyerbiz I do like UCB more than I don't... but I can definately see why it was cancelled.They tried to be an 'American Monty Python' but without the odd and unique british charm that the aforementioned possessed. While I can't claim to be a UCB junkie, I did watch it quite often during it's time as the "after South Park" showcase show for Comedy Central (and there's only been about 118 of those).Granted, they had some great sketches, but then again so did SNL during the Robert Downey Jr year. To my average, middle class, midwestern mind it was far to uneven to get attached to. Once it left the post-South Park time slot it lost me as a viewer. That's probably why it was cancelled... once it left South Park, it didnt have enough viewers who gave a damn to follow it around the CC schedule.To conclude, I thought the show had definate promise. I laughed more than I didn't. However, I believe that UCB was too inconsistent to survive without it's powerhouse 'South Park' lead in....
bat-5 To understand The Upright Citizens Brigade, you have to disregard rational thought and let yourself be carried away on a wave of insanity. Like Monty Python's Flying Circus, the show is loosely structured around a series of sketches that eventually run into each other. I can say nothing else except that the show is laugh out loud funny, and you will be crying by the end of the show.