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7.7| 0h30m| en

Comedy about the life and times of William Shakespeare as he starts to make a name for himself in London, whilst also trying to balance life as a husband and father for his family in Stratford-upon-Avon.


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Matialth Good concept, poorly executed.
Adeel Hail Unshakable, witty and deeply felt, the film will be paying emotional dividends for a long, long time.
Erica Derrick By the time the dramatic fireworks start popping off, each one feels earned.
Kimball Exactly the movie you think it is, but not the movie you want it to be.
sheepshearer No matter if it's real or not, no one wants to hear canned laughter. It's not 1980.
oopz-05116 I really like David Mitchell so I gave this far more of a chance than I otherwise would have... but nope, its just not good.Basically what we're dealing with here is a 1980s Ben Elton sitcom 30+ years late to the table. Sure, 30+ years ago 'this' sort of thing was good... but entertainment has moved on a long way since Blackadder.... seems Ben Elton has not.Tired, predictable and tedious, even David Mitchell cant save this reheated historic relic.
bentos-66878 I love this show, it is witty and contains a lot of puns, play upon words, ... it has a lot of recurring jokes, e,g, the extremely bad coach service, which is of course British rail, which is a running gag in itself. I absolutely love Mitchell's ranting about it, and about the oxbridge ruled England. This show also has a lot of references to contemporary "evils of modern society" like the new found printing which will ruin young peoples minds. Obvious a reference to social media and it is nice to see Mitchell getting his rant on ....You have to be familiar with UK politics, with Shakespeare's plays, his poetry and the general criticism to get some of the references (which I don't always get). this is high brow comedy and a galaxy removed from the usual British comedy u see nowadays on the television.I think it is funny that Elton mocks that a lot of Shakepeare's jokes cannot be understood without footnotes (or Shakespeare explaining them in the show) but the jokes he makes in the show are sometimes only funny for shakespearean scholars and hence need explaining. Luckily for us, the common folks, there is the internet where we can google why a certain phrase was funny.
Voo-Doo Canned laughter? Seriously? In 2016 we still have canned laughter?! The opening scene was dull, badly acted and just not funny. It just wreaked of that middle-of-the-road humour that I utterly detest. I don't expect to be rolling on the floor in fits of giggles, but I do expect to at least smile. As another reviewer noted, the canned laughter at the most pathetic of jokes just made me cringe and switch off. I can see the Blackadder-esque backdrop is present, there is just no substance whatsoever. I really hope Ben Elton stops writing comedies - he really has lost the plot.