Some things I liked some I did not.
brilliant actors, brilliant editing
It is not only a funny movie, but it allows a great amount of joy for anyone who watches it.
The movie's neither hopeful in contrived ways, nor hopeless in different contrived ways. Somehow it manages to be wonderful
When Isobel interviewed the reporter for the right, she drilled and wouldn't let him explain any reason for his behavior. Just the opposite for the CNN reporter. She talked about the accusation that Trump was wire tapped. HE wasn't wired but top officials that Trump spoke to regularly were. They had pics of the crowd at Obama's inauguration at peak. Then they showed the crowd at Trump's when people were leaving. If HBO/Vice is following suit with Twitter, Facebook, Google, Amazon and the like, you'll just deleting the unfavorable reviews. The left has reached their lowest point so, it's completely possible and easily believable. The more the media and the left are unfair to the right, the stronger and madder we get. So keep up the blatant lies, the misinformation and moral-less accusations. The left will not investigate the lies but the right will. We're not perfect and we make mistakes, but we've got integrity, morals, and the truth on our side. Just take just a second and think about this, all the media except Fox is 98% Trump negative. Most of Hollywood is never- Trumpers. Billionaires galore gave to the DNC. And we still won.
I gave it 2 because the show actually has some descent photography but the rest of the show is a paid for propaganda stunt and so intentionally misleading and aimed at people's emotions that one can only see it as a liberal lie fest. Sure they tackle some serious aspects of modern life but they tackle like little girls on a major rugby international. What possesses people to make this sort of stuff? Very simple answers. 1. Money - typically funded from unknown backrooms for the benefit of maintaining the scare tactics that liberals need to propagate to win in politics. This show is all about making Americans feel guilty and to blame it all on the Americans who are of course not the Democrats but the very evil Republicans. This show is so transparent it made my 14 year old daughter ask me.. Dad? WHY are they never asking opinions from people who disagree with them? Good question me thinks. Listen people - this show is garbage. 2. The second reason is that the climate change industry requires people to feel the fear of catastrophes about to happen so they can stay in existence. The scientific community is seriously split about this stuff and saying that all scientists who disagree must be in the pocket of the evil big business is just stupid. I belong to this scientific community and although my area of interest is not related to climate change many of my colleagues are and to a person they are extremely worried that the debate has been hijacked by liberal politics and those problems that we all agree do exist are not going to get dealt with because although the Democrats make a lot of noise they DO NOTHING just like the fool on the hill has done nothing for 6 years. Wise up people. The democrats and their minders are snake oil salesmen and not interested in anything but power. Good luck with that. Please grow the frack up. So it is a ploy to maintain the fear. Democrats require a scared and emotionally upset electorate to win. Rational thinking is not on their agenda. So please all you very stupid liberals vote for Hillary and then please go down with the sinking ship because that is exactly what Obama has started. Now to finish off I would like to mention that the people doing the presenting are about the worst I have ever seen for a show that says it is a information based hard hitting journalistic one. Yikes people. This is a joke. Not one of these anchor people has anything between their ears and certainly are spinning the lies they are given by their masters (whoever they really are????). It is as rigged as world championship wrestling. Get a grip on reality people and do not watch this garbage.
I have been a fan of Vice for a few years now and I've always enjoyed their online videos. If you have spare time, I would highly recommend checking out their website or youtube channel. The special on the North Korean work camps in Russia and their videos taken in Columbia are particularly interesting. With that said, the Vice team really took it to another level with the HBO series. Just watching the show is invigorating, from the topics covered to the exotic locations to the people they managed to get interviews with. Everything just comes together perfectly. With all the amazing content found in these short 10 episodes, it saddens me that most of the Western world is more concerned with celebrity bulls---. Do yourself a favour and enjoy the first season. You won't regret it!
Boyd van Oosterhout
There are two kinds of programs on T.V. at any given moment. Entertainment: which tends to either dumb down, or completely distort reality. And News: which is painted so objective and distant it gives no clues about the human motivation behind it all.Vice is nothing like anything I've ever watched. It's a documentary of the extremes in the world as they are now, and they aren't pretty. It's not so much objective as it is honest.You get a glimpse of how it's really like living in places and situations they make movies about. Suddenly Afghanistan, China, rebellious Europe, and small-town USA aren't mystical places where things are completely backwards. It's just people who live in circumstances that are impossible. Circumstances where you and I would do exactly the same things as they are, if we didn't know how things could be.What I love most about this show, is the rawness. It's not trying to be a piece of art. It's not trying to spoon-feed you with their view. It's just trying to show you how it is.It's refreshing.