Welcome to Eltingville is an animated comedy pilot based on Evan Dorkin's Eisner Award winning comic book, Dork!; which takes place in Eltingville, Staten Island. The pilot episode, titled "Bring Me the Head of Boba Fett", in the premiered in the United States on March 3, 2002, on Cartoon Network's late night programing block, Adult Swim; no further episodes were ever produced. Adult Swim has re-aired the pilot episode periodically since its original premiere, including twice on Halloween night, October 31, 2008, as part of an advertised "Halloween Stunt" night, where rarely seen programs such as the Korgoth of Barbaria and Boo Boo Runs Wild were aired, rather than the usual programming line-up for a Friday evening. The Eltingville pilot's characters have since made Topless Robot's list of Pop Culture's 10 Greatest Nerds.
Cartoon Network Studios