Bored soldiers, hard-ass commandos, dirty boots, guard duties, a Greek mommy, an influencer, a plastic surgeon, a gambling-addicted secretary and a caravan parked right outside! Two adjoining camps in the greek border. Two commanders in the middle of a "battle" that started years ago for a woman and now erupts for the position of brigadier general. One is old-school, cold-blooded militarist and the other lenient and caring. Goulas and Skordas. Sworn enemies!
Giannis Bezos , Manolis Mavromatakis , Thodoris Katsafados , Eleni Ouzounidou , Valeria Kouroupi , Vasiliki Troufakou , Stavros Markalas , Eleana Kaukala , Gerasimos Gennatas , Kyriakos Salis
JK Productions-Καραγιάννης